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Beograd nase mladosti / Belgrade of our youth Jovan cordevic knjiga 2020 Domaci autori

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Format: 22x23 cm
Broj strana: 276
Pismo: Ćirilica
Povez: Tvrd
Godina izdanja:
8. jul 2020.
ISBN: 978-86-521-3582-0

O knjizi

Priredili Branka Nakaniši i Dragoljub Gajić

„Beograd je i inače tema svih značajnih srpskih fotografa toga vremena, ali on je više radio za svoju dušu. Jovan Đorđević je ostao veran svom stilu, a to je ono što se među kreativnim fotografima oduvek opisivalo samo jednim izrazom: stil poštene fotografije. [...] Ne znam kako ove fotografije doživljavaju drugi, ali meni je pokatkad do bola potresno da listam Jovanove fotografije, da još jednom vidim mesta naše mladosti, mesta koja, takva, nikad više neću videti. [...] Tu su, zgusnuti: i vreme, i doba, i ljudi koje smo sretali, poznavali ili ne poznavali, svejedno, ali uvek voleli.“ Goran Malić, umetnik, kritičar i istoričar fotografije

"Belgrade was the subject of all significant Serbian photographers of that time but he worked primarily for his own pleasure. Jovan Đorđević remained true to his style, and that is precisely what has always been described by creative photographers with a single expression: the style of honest photography. [...] I do not know how these photos are perceived by others, but I sometimes find it painfully moving to leaf through Jovan’s photographs, to see once again the places of our youth, those which I will never see like that again. [...] Condensed, there appear a time and an age and the people we have met, and whom we may or may not have known, but have always loved." Goran Malić, An artist, art critic and historian